
■Lead-in1) c, d, l 2) a, f, m 3) b, h, k 4) e, j, n 5) g, i, o■Practice1. 1) carpet 2) table 3) lamp 4) cushion 5) sofa 2. (A) facing (B) carrying (C) opened (D) fixing (☞正解は p.20)Answer Key & TranscriptsCD1-5ABCDWeek1日常生活の語彙を補強する では、本番形式で練習してみましょう。音声を聞き、適切なものを選んでください。18(A) The sofa is in the corner of the room.(B) The table has been set outside.(C) The carpet has been folded up.(D) The lamp is hanging from the ceiling.Try Out

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