
●Congratulations!●I congratulate you on this occasion that ….●Please accept my sincere congratulations.●I am happy to learn that ….●Congratulations on your promotion!●I congratulate you on this occasion of your promotion.● Please accept my sincere congratulations on your promotion.●I am happy to learn that you have been promoted.●Congratulations on the completion of your new facilities!● I congratulate you on this occasion of the completion of your new facilities.● Please accept my sincere congratulations on the completion of your new facilities.● I am happy to learn that your new facilities have been completed.1.「お祝い申し上げます」2.「ご昇進おめでとうございます」3.「御社の新社屋落成おめでとうございます」Session 11 ポイントとなる英語表現例  このセッションのまとめ 1.お祝いの言葉は早めに送りましょう。2.何かひとこと、誠意を伝える言葉を付け加えます。 祝辞が書式どおりに書ける

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